News Roundup: MKA's Exchange Program with Westminster Schools, Academic and Co-curricular Updates, and Celebrating Cultural Diversity

Mount Kenya Academy has a yearly exchange program with Westminster Schools in Atlanta, Georgia-USA.  The program provides an interactive opportunity for both groups to engage in collaborative learning. We welcomed the team of three teachers and eight students.

In this second half of the term, all learners have been challenged to strive towards their academic targets, Leadership, Excellence, and Teamwork’ being the key highlights in their learning.

Pastoral Matters

The Monday devotion focused on self-discipline, homeroom sessions covering topics such as personal organization and accountability for academic performance, which embraces the three values we are focusing on this week.

The Chaplaincy organized a very vibrant service with the theme “pressing on” and the students were reminded to overcome their fears and doubts.

Curriculum Matters

Junior Secondary Students have finalized their subject selection and will now focus on reduced subject load and perfect their competencies in core and elective subjects

The form 3 Biology class visited Ol Pejeta conservancy for an academic trip where they learnt ecology. 

Junior Secondary Students have finalized their subject selection and will now focus on reduced subject load and perfect their competencies in core and elective subjects

The form 3 Biology class visited Ol Pejeta conservancy for an academic trip where they learnt ecology. 

Celebrating Cultural Diversity

The focus has been on reading, with an extended commemoration of International Book Day. Students shared synopses of some of their favorite books and highlighted the extensive and well-stocked libraries that support the school’s superior reading culture.

Our school is a hub of cultures. We have students and at times even faculty from different nationalities. Every culture is appreciated since it contributes to the beauty of humanity of life. The students looked at different culture and traditions from different tribes of Kenya, the rest of East Africa and India.

Open chat
Greetings and a warm welcome to Mt. Kenya Academy! How may we be of assistance to you today?